Blog 003

Hi everyone, I’m home! That’s right, I have made the mammoth journey down from university to my family home and I’m staying here for 6 weeks, leeching off of my parents and recovering from the stresses of term. Of course, it is Christmas soon so I’m very excited for that, not because I want presents... Continue Reading →

Blog 002

Sadly, this blog doesn’t give me an opportunity to go on a rant like last week’s did, so it may be a bit shorter and have a bit more of a verbal diarrhoea type feel to it. Gladly, however, I come bearing news that the implosion of my country’s government has been staved off for... Continue Reading →

Opinion: Drugs in Sport

I am a runner. The sport of athletics is very close to my heart, and I enjoy the world that I have immersed myself in through the sport. Recently, however another role model, Nigel Levine, a British 400m runner, has been found to be using performance enhancing drugs, thinking about it now makes me a... Continue Reading →

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